Friday, June 18, 2004
"Whole Again"
If you see me walking down the street,
staring at the sky and dragging my two feet,
you just pass me by,
It still makes me cry but you can make me whole again.
And if you see with another man laughing and joking doin what i can,
i won't put you down ,
cause i want you around,
'cos you can make me whole again.
Looking back on when we first met, i can not *escape* and i can not *forget*, baby you are the one you still turn me on,
you can make me whole again.
Time is layin heavy on my heart seems i've got too much of it since we've been *apart*,
my friends make me smile if only for a while ,
you can make me whole again.
For now i'll have to wait,
but baby if you [change your mind] don't be too late,
'cos i just can't go on,
its already been [too long],
but you can make me whole again.
*[chorus x2]*
baby your the one,
you still turn me on,
but you can make me whole again.
::pierced::10:13 PM::all for beauty::
Thursday, June 17, 2004
You're the classic smiley
You're well-known and always cheery. You're just an all-around friendly person! You are loyal and can be trusted with a secret. Many people admire you. a href="" target="_new">What online smiley are YOU?!
@ Radiant
o,wow..always cheery-hahax! :):)
::pierced::6:50 PM::all for beauty::
currently listening to: GB music coming out frm bro's comp
yoyo!i gt a flat panel screen for my comp screen-w00t wo0t!!! sad ting is tt e speakers cant b connected n tt means i kenot listening to my music collection :'( whhHHheeeeAa!!! >.< bleaghs.pros n cons-sucky.otha dan tt,im pretty hapi abt my new screen,heex! :D
gggrrrr....i stink of e sch's gym mat..-which is VERY smelly!>.O its a miracle tt my bro (next to mi) hven die of e stink!lolx!jux now aft gym wen to eat w siew hoon n yiling,den ltr we tok tok tok until like 2 liddat den go hm..lucky ting e 147 n 853 came 2gether,or else i wld b left alone if deir bus came earlier... :S smt smt hpn on e bus tt i dun rreally wann to say cuz of e idiotcity of it.*hint:concerns smt abt guys*dey din bully mi,in case u tinking of tt..but anyway,i gt off at yio chu kang (in fron of PHS-bros sch).den came i m,blogging..
o yeah,jux now wen i gg hm tt tym,bro called n told mi tt my otha P.E. shorts was (?) lost jux as he was getting e clths i tink i hav to wear tights nt really lking 4ward to it.. :S tink i mite ask one of em if dey hav xtra shorts n willing to lend it to mi..but considering e tight schedule in gym trainings,i dun tink tt dey wld b willing to lend.. :( haix..i h8 dis man..bleaghs.shall try n cope w it tho..
doodoodoooo......bored..bored..bored..wad m i tinking of telling u??????nvm..shal come back n blog wen i tot of it,hahahaha! :D
::pierced::2:53 PM::all for beauty::
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
currently listening to:some sentimental hit on bros comp :S
i've changed e song (i gt sic of it >.<),as u mite've noticed once ur comp fin loading e bloody pg.i like e reasons.jux like ne sense??guess nt -.-" doesnt meta,tings seldom mks sense nowadays.anways,ive added a wishlist in e rite hand holeman wish was fulfilled by siew hoon - she returned frm her ovaseas trip- w00t w00t!!haha!considered a late bdae present,hHAha!thX siew hoon!! *muAaAcckKKkxxx* (no,im nt les in case u tinking of tt, -.- which i noe some of u mite b)
todays gym training was so damn sian.yenlin nvr come,she gt rashes (sry if u dun really appreciate dis being broadcasted.. :D).how arz??O.o anyways,i only read her msg at e ending of gym so even if tel mrs keong oso no use so i nvr say,hope u dun mind. :D:D if u wan mi to tel tho,i can :):) hahax.aft gym training went to eat at mcs w siew hoon,edward n nelson.crAazzeeee!!!no lah,actually i was e only one crazy dere,luffing at some toopid stuff tt im tinking abt. >.P heex!nvm nvm,im pretty much norm now except tt im in nid of food (*note:shall hunt dwn some food ltr on). AlwAYxx in niD to food-i wonder y? -.^ idiotic.hahHAa!...k,im nt ok.dotx.dotx.dotx.dotx.dotx.dotx.dotx.haha.kRaazee mi...
o yeah,actually i ytd wann blog de,budden i found some interesting bks to read so gt distracted by em (reading late into e nite-explains y i so sian today >.<) so nvr blogg,heex!brief summary of ytd: supposed to go eatt luncH w bro de,den his fren call and ask him out to play LAN,so he go lor (farni,gt comp at hm he dun wan use,he go LAN-how lame can tt get?).so mi pester him until i can go oso,heex!in e end arz,wen meet his frens arz(PHSes),i abit wish i din come aftall cuz dey kinda quiet arz..i mean dey dun really interact much.tink nid to noe em more b4 dey wld b like more friendly-lotsa ppl like tt.. so anyways,while dey playing,i was sitting next to bro-stoning.lolx,i nvr rent(????) e com to plaeee...haix.feel so sian.guess its alrite arz cuz get to save $$,haha!*money minded??* until like 6++ like tt den go hm,but reach hm kinda late cuz mi went lib to borrow bks.hence,i gt too preoccupied to blogg ytd(i read fin e bk liao-so SHIOK!!).den bcom sian in gym cont,jux read frm above again,hahah! :PppPp
shall nt crap anymore n go find some food to munch on while i start reading another bk.
will oso go doOdle board to delete away all dose idiotic posts dose lamers left on my board..
its my everyday routine liaox,haha!
::pierced::5:41 PM::all for beauty::
Sunday, June 13, 2004
currently listening to: wherever u go by the calling
yEah bAby,mY dooDleboArd'S bACk!!hAHah!:PPpPp fiNAlly!tiNk it nIds a breAk fRm e chIldisH ppl hU abUses e owNer's name!shO smart!!ahaaha.-.-" lAMe-o..actuAlly,im's y im lAMe.nt e lame tt i cant walk,but e lame as in lame.u noe?u dun?nvm den.if u cant get it,here's wad ill say-every1's entitled to b stupid-but u're abusing e priviledge!!haha,jk.relac.dun niD to exploDe/swell uP lIke Harry pOtter's aUNt marGe dId iN bK 3!haha.k.wadeva.-.-"
enuf of crapping
::pierced::11:55 PM::all for beauty::
current clothes: shirts n tee
current mood: b0Red
current music: cinDere||a bY cheEtah gIRls
current hair: untIEd,mEssy frM e brEeze c8ted bY e fAn
current annoyance: mY haiR
current smell: oxYGen
current thing i ought to be doing: slpinG??
current desktop picture: nONe.i fINd it gettiNG b0rIng aFt a whIle..
current favorite artist: duNo ne.. :D
currentbook: |ady 0f Avalone
current cd in cd player: seAn pAUl's duTty rOck
current dvd in player: i dun owN ne DVD plAyer of mY owN..
current refreshment: Coca-Cola
current worry: y *he* iS nt tOKing to mE evEn thO it'S sAid tt wE shLD b oN speAKing teRmx
current favorite celebrity: eRm...erm..eerrmm...
you touched: my brO-fiTing w hIm ovA e seAts.childish mi.
you talked to: bro-fiTing ovA e seAts-aGAin.chIldish.
you hugged: i 4gT liAox.its suCh a lOng timE..i tinK itS siEw hooN (on 2jUne)
you instant messaged: akbAr
you yelled at: dIn exACtlY yEll at hiM..jUx..toked.angRily.does tt mK senSE?-.-''
who broke your heart: *hIm*
food: de|icoIous fOoD,d-u-h!
drink: cOKE-it rAWks!!
color: blAck
album: linkIn' pArk's lIVe iN teXas cD
candy: tOO mAni to nAMe-iM a sWit aDdiCt!
animal: puppiEs-dEy r SO cUTE
tv show: whOse lINe is iT anyway?
movie: honEy-e dAnciNG iS supErb!!
vegetable: duNo lehX..
fruit: guEss iT's goTte b apPlex
number: 3
day: sCh dAYs r thURs n sAt(gT gyM) whIle hols r evErydAy excePT 4 suNDay-toO laZy oN tt dAY..
month: jUne n dEc-dEy r hoLS!!hAHha :D
season: olx,i duno.
sport: bBA||
class: nONe??
teacher: sAD to sAy,nONe.
radio station: perfEct10(98.7FM)-nT e poRn weBbie-buT e RADIO stAt iN sG.. -.-"
store: HMV-dEy gT e mOSt amaZing CDs avAilablE
word/phrase: -.-?
flower: in reAlly dUNo-i meAn dEre isNT ne flOWer cAlled dUNo rite??
state: soMEwhEre whEre e beAchs r cleAn :D
kill: e idIot hU suGgesTed to giV us hoL hW!!
tickle: *him*??lolx,liKE he cAn b tiCKled??!!simPLy ticklEs mI jUx 2 tiNk of iT!*luFfs*
look like: mi loR
talk to online: *him*?
offline: i dun geT dis..
kiss: mY stuFfed toy..shAmeless. :D
make sweet love to: hMm..??wad diD ya sAY??
laugh at: *him* stiL cAn imAgiNE hIm beiNg tiCklEd *lUFfs*
hug: stuFfed toy
name: b.j.e.s.
do you like it: onLy e b.j.
why do you have it: cuZ itS mY nAme?
nicknames: bj or jes
screen names: oN msn?noNe.
age: 14
birthday: 7June
sign: horse/gemInI
location: sINgapore,noRth
school: zhSs
natural hair color: blAck
current hair color: ditto abV
eye color: dUNo.tinK its abiT goLden brn,bUt lkS DARk brn.
shoe size: 5hlAf-6
best girl friend: mi
best guy friend: uSed to b *hiM*.akBar..hMm..abIt arz.ahaha!
who have u known the longest: mi?
who have you known the shortest: duNo
craziest: lyNA??haha
loudest: nO oFf arz,lYna
funniest: lyna aLso
sweetest: dunO
most caring: dunO
most understanding: dunO
best dressed: *him*??haha,at certaiN tIMEx,i guEss..
flirtiest: sTArts w 't',ends w 'a',w a 'eResA' in btWn :PppPPp
most likely to be a porn star: no1?
most likely to be a doctor: dunO..
most likely to be a stay at home mom: erm..erm..
most likely to find the cure for cancer: MI!!haha,jk,im nt TT shAMelEss!>.P tRuth to sAy,i duNo
do you have a bf/gf: no
if so why do u like this person: I DON'T
if you're single, why are u single: cuz..cuz..cuz..
how long was ur shortest relationship: 1/2 dAy,tedsON,hahAha!(we stil cAN lUFf aBt it since it was nTh bUT an aGreemEnt!)
how long was ur longest relationship: still,1/2 day.ditto aBv
have you ever been in love: guEss so..
have you ever been semi-close: heh?
who was ur first kiss and when: moTher.wEn i wAS a bAby ^_^
who was ur best kiss: lOlx,hvEn expEriEnced tt.yet.
worst kiss: hven kIsheD ne1.yeT.X_X
dumbest relationship: teDSON!!cAnt beliEve i sAid 'yEs'!! :X
one thing you would change about ur past: sAying 'yes' tO teDson so i cLd b spAred e toRment oF sAYing tt In e abV qs
biggest mistake ever made: asking *him* abt smt.
last thing you heard: tYpIng soUnds oF e cOM??
last thing u said: i diN sAY-i lUFfed
last person u saw: mY bRo
last person u kissed: i dIN kiss ne1.yet.
last person u hugged: as i sAid b4,sIEw hoOn
last person u fought w/: my bRo..
last person u were on the fone w/: goSh,i cANt rmb-iT's suCh a lONg tiME sinCE i lAz usEd e foNe.lIke mOre dAn 1mTh??
last t.v. show u saw: bend it lIke beckhAm oN ch.5
last song u heard: soME soNg mY bro put on
last time you laughed really hard: foRgoT liaox..
what are u wearing: lK at e fIRst q..
what are u doing: tkINg dis blOddy quiz u idiot-wAdid u tK mI foR??
who r u talking to: mi
where are you: lIvIng rM
who are u with: my bRo.both oF uS r usIng e com.
are u online: i usE e coM to b onLine u doLT. -.-"
how are u feeling: i tot dis was aSkEd b4??
are you in chatroom: y shLd i b??
first phrase that comes to mind: hUH??
what day is it tomorrow: monday
what are u going to do after this: copy n paste diS inTO a nEw blOG enTry
where are u gonna go tomorrow: unplAnned
what year do you graduate: umm...2006
what do you wanna be: unplAnned
what is one of ur dreams: to acTuAlly gEt ALL e cErts i nId
where will you be in 25 years: celebrating the 25th anniversary of you asking me this question~! lmao~!
do u write in cursive or print: print
are u a lefty or righty: righty
what piercings do u have: 4.3 oN riTe n 1 oN leFt.hOpinG to gET moRe soOn.
how many tattoos do you have: nONe..
do u drive: toy cAr?
do you have glasses or braces: glAssEs-i wiSh my eYesiTe's pERfecT!!
what do u like most about your face: duNo..
what do u like most about ur body: dunO
least?: dunO
how many fillings do you have: nONe
do you look like any celebrities: mi!!hAHah,jk-im no cElEb!!
do you wear a watch: smTs
how many coats/jackets do u own:'s weAther nid nOne oF dosE
favorite pants/skirt color: blACk jeAns
most expensive item of clothing: mY leVis jeAns whIch i cAnt fiT iNto(dAMn blOody puBertY!)
least expensive iten of clothing: duNo
what kind of shoes do you wear: sCh sHoes-doH.
describe your style in one word: huh
do your friends 'know' you: huH??
what do they tend to be like: a hUGE vAriety.duNo hoW to deScriBe.
are there traits in u that are universally liked: i duNo..
how many people do you tell everything to: *hAIx*ive sUCh a biG mouth.
how many people tell you everything: a fEw-nT so truSted.buT ill seAl mY moUth shUt oN evEry secRet u tolD mi.^_^
whom do u believe is the smartest person alive at the moment: hOw e heck m i suPpoSed to nOE??
do u prefer a sunny or rainy day: dePenDs
do u consider urself lucky: depenDs
who is ur worst enemy: a hAzArd to mySelf
are you popular: nAh
are you a loser: guEss sO..
who do you look up to: people taller than me
did you enjoy this survey: n o no.i oNly dID diS fOR fUN.toOk uP loTsa tIMe..
::pierced::11:42 PM::all for beauty::

innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
gosh-dis is like so noT mi..!n neIther is diS stYle of tokIng-juX groSses mI out.smT only tho :D (cAnt mk up mY minD.. -.-'')
anYways,i duno wad hpN to mY doodleboard.ive tried eveRythINg to mk iT wk!!ok,mayb nt eveRythiNg,buT sorTa conFusiNG myself!!>.< ok erM,ive tried re-pasting e code-stiL doesNt wk eveN tho it dOES wk oN my olDER site(one tt i reserve foR testing out new ideas to c how it lks like) guess its alrite-at least dose ppl hu kip flooding my board cant flood it nemore!! *smilex*
*to my imposter:So you're the bitch that told the bitch that i was the bitch - well listen up bitch it takes a bitch to call a bitch a bitch!
::pierced::7:56 PM::all for beauty::